
In this blog I will post the newest autographs that I received by mail or in person. I will also post all old autographs, which will undoubtedly take some time :) Have fun!

Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

The Hobbit: Ken Stott

Ken Stott
(Sent: 31.10.12 / Received: 28.02.13)
Ken Stott has done a lot of film an TV work and has appeared as Balin in 'The Hobbit'.

Samstag, 23. Februar 2013

Samantha Barks

Samantha Barks
(Sent: 28.01.13 / Received: 23.02.13)
Samantha appeared in the musical film of 'Les Misérables' as Eponine...have known her stage work for some years now, she's great :D

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Alexandra Moen

Alexandra Moen
(Sent: 01.02.10 / Received: 18.02.13)
Another long-run: Alexandra Moen, here as the Master's wife from 'Doctor Who'. Took more than three years...

Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

The Hobbit: William Kircher


William Kircher
(Sent: 15.10.12 / Received: 15.02.13)
This is special: sent him the last picture (as to all dwarves) and he added 4 (!) more plus a nice letter. William Kircher played Bifur in 'The Hobbit' and also Tom, one of the trolls. Plus another 'Radagast' stamp on the return envelope. Just great :D

This also completes the trio of Bifur, Bofur and Bombur!

Jane Asher

Jane Asher
(Sent: 31.12.12 / Received: 15.02.13)

Jane Asher (lower left) from British TV show 'The Palace', saw her on stage last year in 'Charley's Aunt' in London.

Frances Barber

Frances Barber
(Sent: 31.12.12 / Received: 13.02.13)

Actress Frances Barber has done a lot of films and TV shows, here she is as the 'Eye-Patch Lady' from last year's series of  'Doctor Who'.

Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

Catherine Tate / David Tennant

Catherine Tate & David Tennant
(Sent: 15.08.11 / Received:  07.02.13 + 2011 (?))
Another 'long-run': I wrote to both Catherine Tate and David Tennant after we saw the play in London, Catherine took a bit longer....just a bit ;) And I just realized I haven't posted David's and didn't even make a note when it arrived...so here are they both :)

Eileen Atkins

Eileen Atkins
(Sent: 15.10.12 / Received: 07.02.13)
Another set from Eileen Atkins, I wrote to her before we went to see her in London last year, so here's two pictures in addition to the in-person autograph on the theatre program. The first one from 'Wild Target', second one from 'Cranford'. Nice :D