
In this blog I will post the newest autographs that I received by mail or in person. I will also post all old autographs, which will undoubtedly take some time :) Have fun!

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2012

Steffan Rhodri

Steffan Rhodri
(Sent: 18.05.12 / Received: 29.05.12)
Steffan Rhodri played Reg Cattermole in 'Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows: Part 1', he is currently doing a play in London.

Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett
(in person)
Went to see Cate in the play "Gross und Klein" by German author Botho Strauß yesterday, a co-production with a German theatre festival, premiered in Sydney last year and now toured London, Vienna, Paris and finally came  to Germany. Very 70s West-German piece, in English with German subtitles. As she said on TV: no need to make too much sense of it, it was much more interesting than expected though.  Her character originates from a city not 5 kilometers from where I live so that gave it an additional funny touch.

We try to go once every year to the festival and after the performance we traditionally go to the stage door to meet whoever stars in that play that year. There were quite a lot of people there this year and for the first time quite a few who obviously didn't attend the performance but just came to get their LOTR-pictures signed. She on the other hand went along the line and only signed programmes from the show which we found massively amusing and so we got our autographs very easily. Lucky us :)

Montag, 14. Mai 2012

Jerry O'Connell

Jerry O'Connell
(Sent: 02.05.12 / Received: 14.05.12)
Jerry O'Connell, from 'Sliders' (wow, that was a looong time ago) to a great number of movies and other TV series. This was a quick shot, I had prepared the letter, but the day before I posted it I read that the play he was currently in on Broadway would close the same week....but apparenty the letter reached him in time :)

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Eric McCormack

Eric McCormack
(Sent: 02.05.12 / Received: 10.05.12)
Eric McCormack of 'Will & Grace' fame, currently on Broadway in a play.

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter
(Sent: 07.03.12 / Received: 08.05.12)
Need I say more? So many great films and more coming up, anyway: second attempt and she signed the HP pic (had also sent a Sweeney Todd picture).

Freitag, 4. Mai 2012

Tyne Daly

Tyne Daly
(Sent: 10.04.12 / Received: 03.05.12)
Tyne Daly of 'Cagney & Lacey'-fame, saw her in "Master Class" in London a few weeks ago, very impressive performance.

Samuel Barnett

Samuel Barnett
(Sent: 07.02.08+15.08.11 / Received: 03.05.12)
Well, somebody has been spring-cleaning...two autographs from the same person that I sent nearly 3 years apart...the older one took more than four years...I could see it from the stamps on the envelope lol. Anyway, nice success, one of the "History Boys" (first picture front row, second from right)...slowly working up to a complete set ;)